Thursday, April 4, 2013

Avoidance (AKA procrastination)

As of right now, I am doing everything possible to avoid cleaning the hall bathroom. I have found so many things to do around the house... none of them necessary. I have also read the kids extra stories, we did a science experiment that wasn't in the plans, checked my emails, posted on facebook, looked some things up on the internet, wrote in my blog, made a bigger lunch than normal... the list goes on and on. But in the back of my mind, my conscience keeps nagging at me, "Get that bathroom done already!"

My sister, her two boys and baby girl came and stayed with us last week. Let me tell you, with three boys, that bathroom is a mess! Moms, of boys, you know my pain. Pee dribbling down the side of the toilet or missing it altogether. Boys and bathrooms equal messy! Then after they left, we were all sick, and then so busy running around I never had time to get in there to clean it. Or maybe that was just more avoidance....

Can I blame this one on my Mom? My job growing up was to clean the bathrooms and now I completely detest it! Yes Mom, I know, I can't blame everything on you! Hee hee! Maybe it's because I am sort of a germ freak, so when I do clean the bathroom I always feel like I need a shower. I know... wack-o! At least I admit it!

I don't know why I procrastinate about certain things so much. Once they are done, I feel so accomplished... like a weight has been lifted. I spend more time avoiding the work than just getting it done and over with. Hmmmm.... sounds like something I tell my kids!

All right already...

I am off to clean the bathroom...

Unless something else distracts me along the way...

As a matter of fact, I think it's time to start dinner...

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