Do you make and then break your new year resolutions?
Do you make them with the best intentions to keep them... but a couple of days later decide to quit?
What kind of resolutions do you make?
Are they generic? Specific?
Do you set dates and goals to accomplish them?
Several years ago, my husband and I started making Family New Year Resolutions, except we call them Life Changes. It all started because one year my husband said that he wanted to work on gratitude for the next year. And that just spiraled into us making thankfulness something we wanted to work on as an entire family. That year, we really took the time to thank everyone who helped us in anyway, whether with time or generosity. We wanted to make sure that the people in our lives knew how truly thankful we are for them! And now, being thankful is second nature to all of us. We decided to make a life change in our family and used the New Year as a starting point.
That was just the beginning of our yearly family resolutions or life changes. In the years that followed, we have worked on organization, decluttering, spending less & making more of our gifts, learning to be more frugal & save money and last year we focused on healing our family & fixing our eyes on the Lord. I believe this has resulted in our family becoming better people - people who are constantly on the hunt to be the best we can be!
These areas are extremely broad topics so we narrow them down and then set more specific goals to achieve as a family. This year we have decided to work on being healthier. This is a super broad topic that could apply to many things. We are going to work on several specific areas eating, sleeping and exercise.
Please note: WE ARE NOT GOING ON A DIET!!!! Diets were made to be broken! However, we want to gradually move our poor eating choices to eating more naturally. Meaning, we want to eat more fresh fruits, veggies and non processed foods. This is not something we are doing cold turkey. That would not work for my family. However, we have set specific goals into place to help us achieve our long term vision. My entire family, including me, would live on fast food if we could afford it! We are definitely fast food junkies. We love sweets, chips, all those good ol' non healthy things! The funny thing is my kids LOVE fruits and veggies, too. So, we are taking their love for plant based products and running with it!
When making a resolution stick, it has to be something my family is willing to do. And, when setting a goal such as eating healthier, we also need to have rewards. We love a thick, juicy, cheesy, bacony hamburger or a hot cheesy melty pizza. Why not let that be a reward? The beauty is that it will taste that much yummier when it is special and once in a while!
I have always believed that you need to reward yourself, whether it is eating healthy for a week and treating yourself to frozen yogurt. Or maybe its getting all your things done without procrastinating so you treat yourself to a movie night. Or maybe you exercised everyday and so you get a day to be lazy. Whatever it is, you need to reward yourself for accomplishing small goals. Just remember... moderation. Its ok to have that frozen yogurt, but get the small size with fruit on top instead of the ginormous order that makes you sick to your stomach! Just sayin'!
The second part of my family's being healthier resolution is sleeping. We are horrible at sticking to a routine, which is why the area of sleeping is an area that needs work. Especially when it comes to our two year old. He doesn't want to sleep in his bed and even if he does go to sleep in his bed at the start of the night, he wakes up in the middle and climbs into ours. This results in neither my hubby nor myself getting a great night of sleep. Without proper sleep, our body can not function properly.
Through pinterest, I found a chart for proper sleep times of children on angie's list. You can check it out below or at the following link: This chart recommends 10-11 hours of sleep for 7-12 year olds. I know my 6 year old and eight year old do not get that much. We are constantly on the go and often trade sleep for doing other things.
We are making a couple of specific goals in the area of sleep. First, we are deciding on a schedule that fits our family and then sticking to it as much as possible. Our schedule will not be the same every day of the week, since our activities and my hubby's work schedule are not the same every day. However, the bedtime routine will remain the same no matter what time it starts.
Second, we are just going to have to say no to some of those activities that do not coincide with our schedule. It is the only way we will be able to stick to healthier sleeping and eating habits. The schedule may have to change as the seasons change or as activities change... But that is Okay! The whole point of this is to make it work for our family. No family is exactly alike - so why try to make my family fit into another family's schedule? It just won't work. I have to do what is best for us!
We also have rewards for our kids (like I mentioned earlier, rewards are important for adults too!!) If they get all of their night time chores done and are in bed on time without my hubby or me having to remind them they get a "ticket" on their chore chart. These tickets are used to turn in for prizes, 15 minutes of a video game or TV, to name just a few. (More on our chore chart in a future post.)
The last part of our being healthier resolution is exercising more. We LOVE to ride bikes, but never seem to have enough time. We are going to make it a part of our weekly routine/schedule. It has to be scheduled in or it won't get done. Our goal is to take 2 rides per week and do one other type of exercise twice a week, whether it is dancing, walking, soccer, stretching or yoga. One of the kids will get to determine what we do each week during the scheduled time. This is a great way to make sure they feel involved and a part of the decision making process. This is super important to keep their interest in the activity. As with eating, we are going to slowly introduce the exercise so we don't overdo it at the beginning and lose momentum before we even get started.
Most importantly, we write down our goals and have the kids write down their goals, too. Then we put them in places we can see them as a reminder that we have an area of life we are working on changing. We are still working on our weekly schedule, which will be posted next to the kids' chore chart. There are a few more things we need to fine tune. We let the kids give their input and make some choices, but in the end, Mom and Dad have the final say.
(For the link to the above goal setting chart and a great article on smart goal setting go to this link: )
Quick Review of how we create our Family New Year Resolutions or Family Life Changes:
Decide on an area you want to change in your family's life.
Narrow that down into 2-5 more specific areas.
Figure out how you are going to accomplish and measure those goals.
Write them down and hang them up where your family can be reminded of the goal.
When making your New Year Resolutions this year, don't make them just so you can break them... instead, think of a life change you want to make. And if you can get your family involved, even better!!
Tales from the real lives of One Mom and her family. Sometimes silly, scary, sad, fun stories and ideas for the sole purpose of helping other Moms and Dads on their own family's journey through life. We have opened our home to your hearts in the hopes that you will be reminded that you are never alone! So grab a cup of coffee or tea and join us for a good laugh, a needed cry or a reminder that this is life and we are in it together!
Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Our Family Christmas Letter
Dear Family and Friends,
Another year has come and gone and we've spent it as busy as ever! The older the kids get, the faster time flies! If you are reading this letter then the world has not ended. Which we already knew wouldn’t happen since Jesus said in Matthew 24:36, 44 “But of that day no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only… Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” Although we cannot wait to join Jesus upon His return, we are enjoying our life here on earth. Watching our little miracles grow is quite the adventure and we are enjoying every minute of it!!
Our baby boy turned two in October. He is a boy with a mind of his
own. He loves to cuddle and read stories with Mom, but his favorite thing in
the world is Daddy (next to his treasured teddy bear, of course.) When Daddy
walks in the door he is greeted by a loud "Daddy home" and a giant
smile. He is super fun to watch play. I just love his imagination. He makes
his toys talk, laugh and cry! He loves to cook in his play kitchen. His
favorite thing to play is Thomas and all of his train friends. He loves trains,
airplanes, motorcycles, monster trucks, helicopters... anything that makes loud
noise and goes fast. He is an inquisitive little fellow and is always asking
questions about the world around him. He is super shy around new people or in
new situations, but once he warms up, he is the star of the show. He is super
musical and loves to dance. He enjoys any time he can listen to Daddy play the
guitar or piano. If he is not at Daddy's side, you will find him with his other
best friend, our chocolate lab. Although he plays well with his big
brother and sissy, he knows just how to get under their skin! Heprovides so
much joy to our home; I now know why God sent him to us as a wonderful
My hubby has become busier than ever. He continues to work long
hours. He has also started a second job helping out his ex
boss. When someone asks him for help, he has a hard time saying no. As a result,
when his ex boss said he was opening a new restaurant, my hubby agreed to work on
one of his days off and on the weekends after his other job. This means... we never see
him! When he is home he is usually sleeping and resting up for the next week!
He still plays guitar as much as he can, but wishes he had more time to devote
to music.
Due to unfortunate circumstances, we closed up the child
care in February. As a result, I have been able to spend much of my time with
the kids and enjoy watching them be little people. I stay busy with my three munchkins as we continue to
homeschool, which keeps me busy enough. I spend most of my time planning school
work, doing school work and researching school work... it is more than a full
time job. However, I still find some time for myself. I am still a big
crafter... scrapbooking, card making, knitting, and whatever else strikes my
fancy. I love using pinterest to hunt for my newest creation or new recipe that
I want to try. I have a blog that I hope can help other families with hope, ideas,
tips, tricks and simplifying lives. You can follow my blog at if you want to see what we are up to! I also
started selling a healthy coffee for an international coffee company Organo
Gold. It has been a way for me to earn extra income while being able to stay
home with my kids. I know that this is where God has called me to be... raising
my incredible children and learning more from them than they could ever learn
from me. Being a Mom is the best job... I wouldn't trade it for anything!
Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, Unto us a child is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Love in Christ!
Another year has come and gone and we've spent it as busy as ever! The older the kids get, the faster time flies! If you are reading this letter then the world has not ended. Which we already knew wouldn’t happen since Jesus said in Matthew 24:36, 44 “But of that day no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only… Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” Although we cannot wait to join Jesus upon His return, we are enjoying our life here on earth. Watching our little miracles grow is quite the adventure and we are enjoying every minute of it!!
My big boy is six and in first grade. He is super smart and quick
to pick up on anything you want to teach him. He can memorize anything faster
than you can read it. He goes through his bible verses and books at his Awanas
club so fast that his leaders have a hard time finding more for him to do. He
came home one night and said that one of his leaders told him to slow down. I
feel their pain! His current favorite activities include legos, building electrical
circuits (a kit we have) and reenacting any number of things we have learned in
school - history, science, fiction - doesn't matter, he will be reenacting it
for a while if it interests him. He loves to ask questions and then research to
find the answer. One of his favorite places is the library. He loves to read so
much that I actually have to tell him to quit reading! I consider that a good
thing!! He has a special pet – a leopard gecko. The gecko is pretty cool to
watch – especially when he is hunting crickets. He lets us hold him and pet
him. He is very friendly. He also has an incredible love for Christ. His
mastery of the storyline of the Bible is pretty unique for a child his age. Not
only does he know the stories, he has a profound and deep understanding of
them. I am constantly amazed by his knowledge and I know that God has big plans
for his life. I see the Holy Spirit working in him. He and his big sis were baptized at our church in October.
My daughter is eight and in third grade. She is my biggest
helper and my baby boy thinks of her as another Mom. On Mother's Day, she surprised me
by letting me sleep late, getting the baby out of bed, feeding him and playing with
him so I could rest. Then she made me breakfast. She is an incredible girl and
I am so grateful to be her Mom. She has a flair for the arts. She loves to
draw, color, paint, make crafts and anything musical. She has a messy artist
mind that I just don't understand however hard I try. She is just like her
Daddy! She has an incredible empathy towards others. I tell her all the time
that I wish I could be a kid again just so I could be her friend. She is super
thoughtful and is usually putting someone else before herself. She also spends
a lot of time reading, but also enjoys playing with her Barbies, dressing up or
doing something artsy! She has a hamster that she loves to play
with and care for. It is her own little baby to love. She is the one I
can count on to come when I call for help with something. I am so blessed to
have her as my oldest.
Our family zoo is rounded out with our 16 year old kitty. He spends 23 hours a day sleeping and is always looking for a warm lap
to snuggle. As a family we have taken up biking. My two oldest and I all got new
bikes this year and my hubby’s bike got a tune up. He wants a new one – but at the
price of a new car I said no way! Hahaha! We haven’t been out biking much this
winter however we are all itching to go. We were doing 10 mile
rides and loving it! My eight year old girl is strong and made for riding a bike with
her long legs! She is usually the leader of our pack! And the baby loves to ride
along, often falling asleep on long rides. We have a seat for him that goes on
my bike between the handlebars and my seat for when we go on mountain bike
rides and a friend let us borrow her trailer, to use when we are riding through
town and on paved bike trails. With the loss of my child care income, we are
struggling to keep our home, however we know that God has a plan for us. The
not knowing is the hardest part. So who knows where we will end up next year,
but we are looking forward to the adventure God has planned for our family. We
have decided it doesn’t really matter… as long as we stick together!
We hope
you have a very Merry Christmas! God Bless you and your family in the New Year.
Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, Unto us a child is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Love in Christ!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Do you teach your children to pray?
When I heard the news of the shooting in Connecticut, I just broke down in tears. My heart was, and still is, heavy for that community and those families. I have spent quite a bit of time asking God to give those families rest in the knowledge that He will conquer all in the end. It has been a week since the horrific event, and yet, every time I hear anything about it, see pictures or even just think about it, my eyes tear up. And now they show the funerals and caskets for those little babies... I can not imagine the loss of a child. My family has been through a lot in the last year, but the loss of those families make my problems seem minuscule. It really puts your life in perspective. Makes you appreciate what you have just a little more. Makes you hug your loved ones a little tighter. Makes you remember that the little things that drive you crazy really don't matter. Makes you rethink your priorities.
Both my eight year old daughter and my 6 year old son have an incredible grasp of the fact that God has a plan for their lives and that all they need to do is be thankful for whatever it is. Then they can rest in the knowledge that it will be done and everything we go through helps to mold us into the person we are going to become. Even in the face of the "bad" things that have happened, we have been able to look at them as a way that we might be able to help someone in the future. Even if we can't fully thank God that they happened, we can thank God for the lives we might be able to help from sharing our story. Amazingly, they "get" it!!
I think they have such an amazing grasp of their relationship with God because they already know that they have a direct line to Him. They can talk to Him anytime, anywhere, however they want. They can share their deepest darkest fears, secrets as well as their happiest, joyful moments! They are constantly teaching me. When I pray and ask God to provide groceries, my kids are thanking him for the food in our bellies. When I pray and ask God to please help us with our house struggles, they are thanking God for the roof over our head. When I pray and ask God to help my hubby and I be better parents, they are thanking God for us. I have learned so much from my children regarding prayer and have adapted their thankfulness prayers into my daily routine! I learn so much more from them than they will ever learn from me!
When talking to your children about prayer, listen to their innocent hearts and grow with them. Help them to adapt a heart of thankfulness. Teach them that its OK to turn to God whenever we feel like it. And when we are faced with a horrific tragedy, after doing your best to explain it, help them turn to God. Help them turn to prayer and know that God is better than a best friend, because He is always there to listen.
This is a picture of our Elf on the Shelf after the school shooting. She brought 27 candles and asked us to take a day of prayer and light a candle for each life lost. We said each person's name and asked God to comfort the families that are mourning. We also thanked God that we have each other. It was a good way to open discussion about the events that had taken place. We continue to pray for those families. My heart is just broken for them! I know that the only place they can find comfort is in our Creator. My hope is that you and your family will join us in prayer.
On the day of the shooting, my kids walked in on me bawling my eyes out and of course wanted to know what was wrong. After telling them, my 6 year old son said that he hoped all the children and adults who died knew Jesus and that their families know Jesus. His reason? So the families left behind know the children are now safe in heaven with God. He is so intuitive. He knew that the families were in pain and hurting and at the same time he knew to turn to Jesus for comfort. I love that about him. He amazes me constantly with his insight and direct line to God. He is constantly my teacher. He is such a special kid. I know God has incredible plans for his future.
Several years ago, I made a decision to transform my walk with Christ. I made a conscious choice to seek Him daily, to pray and to teach my children about His love for us. My kids see me pray and meditate on God's word during my personal devotions. We pray as a family during our family bible reading. We pray before meals... most of the time! My kids are the ones who remind me when I forget! My kids pray each night before bed. And most importantly, we pray when we feel the need arise.
Both my eight year old daughter and my 6 year old son have an incredible grasp of the fact that God has a plan for their lives and that all they need to do is be thankful for whatever it is. Then they can rest in the knowledge that it will be done and everything we go through helps to mold us into the person we are going to become. Even in the face of the "bad" things that have happened, we have been able to look at them as a way that we might be able to help someone in the future. Even if we can't fully thank God that they happened, we can thank God for the lives we might be able to help from sharing our story. Amazingly, they "get" it!!
I think they have such an amazing grasp of their relationship with God because they already know that they have a direct line to Him. They can talk to Him anytime, anywhere, however they want. They can share their deepest darkest fears, secrets as well as their happiest, joyful moments! They are constantly teaching me. When I pray and ask God to provide groceries, my kids are thanking him for the food in our bellies. When I pray and ask God to please help us with our house struggles, they are thanking God for the roof over our head. When I pray and ask God to help my hubby and I be better parents, they are thanking God for us. I have learned so much from my children regarding prayer and have adapted their thankfulness prayers into my daily routine! I learn so much more from them than they will ever learn from me!
When talking to your children about prayer, listen to their innocent hearts and grow with them. Help them to adapt a heart of thankfulness. Teach them that its OK to turn to God whenever we feel like it. And when we are faced with a horrific tragedy, after doing your best to explain it, help them turn to God. Help them turn to prayer and know that God is better than a best friend, because He is always there to listen.
This is a picture of our Elf on the Shelf after the school shooting. She brought 27 candles and asked us to take a day of prayer and light a candle for each life lost. We said each person's name and asked God to comfort the families that are mourning. We also thanked God that we have each other. It was a good way to open discussion about the events that had taken place. We continue to pray for those families. My heart is just broken for them! I know that the only place they can find comfort is in our Creator. My hope is that you and your family will join us in prayer.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Time to Declutter
Are you a collector? I like to think of myself as a collector of all things beautiful! When I have a hobby... I collect, an interest... I collect, something sentimental... I collect, a passion... I collect. I have a hard time letting things go because, what if I might need it someday? It never fails that when I get rid of something I end up needing it or thinking to myself, "where in the world did I put that?"
Are you a pack rat like me? Or are you one of those people that can easily get rid of things? I have a sister that is constantly purging the items in her house. I envy her... well, a little bit. At least I am an organized pack rat!
It is time to declutter. I do two major clean outs - one right before summer so I can have a garage sale and one right before Christmas - to make room for all the new stuff that will be filling our home. Whenever I feel the need to do a major clean out and declutter, I watch one of those hoarding shows for inspiration. I am not trying to degrade the people on those shows in any way. I realize that the people on those shows have serious conditions, traumas that have happened to them and some even have mental disabilities that cause them to end up like that. I just use the show as a way to remind myself how things could end up... and I ask myself some of the same questions that you might hear on the shows:
Have I used it or worn it in the last year?
Is it broken and fixable? How long has it been broken with the intent to fix it? Am I really going to fix it? Or is it unusable and needs to go in the trash?
Would someone else be able to use it if I am not currently using it?
Sentimental stuff...
Is it something that I can use or am I just storing it in a box? Do I have room to store it?
Does any one else care about this item? Or is it just something my kids will have to sort through when I am gone?
These are some great questions that can help you as you organize and declutter your home.
I have gotten so much better about what I save and what I get rid of. Especially since I have started my year long house decluttering system. I go through one room or area of my house a month and take time each week to go through the items in that room. I give myself a time limit, whether that is an afternoon or just 10 minutes, I dedicate that time to getting rid of items in that room. More on how I keep my entire house organized and save time doing it in a future blog.
One thing to remember is that getting rid of things and decluttering is a process. It didn't all just show up one day, it has accumulated over time. So diligently take time to go through and get rid of it. Like an onion, peel back a layer at a time. Its easier and less painful that way!
I also try to help my kids to keep their clutter to a minimum. I want them to learn good habits now so that they will carry those habits into adulthood - well, at least I hope they do!
My kids have to do a daily 10 minute "hot spot" as part of their daily chores on their chore chart. A hot spot is a term used by The Fly Lady that means a spot that fills with clutter - a place where things tend to collect and need to be sorted and put away. (If you want ideas on how to clean and organize your home her blog has amazing ideas and ways to clean - one step at a time. You can check out her blog here: ) Going back to my kids, they have to do a daily hot spot. Sometimes they get to choose the hot spot and sometimes I get to choose. But the fact is, if they are going through and decluttering daily, it will help them to keep those areas of their rooms clean. Some of the hot spots in my kids rooms are: desk, top of dresser, knick knack shelf, bucket of toys, dresser drawer, one of their "hiding spots", under the bed, corner of the closet. I will have a future post on our chore chart and how it has simplified my kids day as well as my own.
Another way I help my kids stay uncluttered is I have limits on what they can keep. Which means, if they get a new stuffed animal, they need to get rid of one in their room. If they are getting a new toy, they need to get rid of one. Its ok if they choose a broken one, as long as they are getting rid of something!
One last note; I mentioned at the beginning of this post that I do two major clean outs a year. The one at the beginning of summer is so I can have a garage sale. I have one strict rule for my kids and myself when it comes to items in the garage sale - once we have committed to getting rid of it, it can not go back in the house. I do not allow myself to shop at my own garage sale as I have witnessed so many of my friends doing in the past. I committed to get rid of it, therefore I donate whatever is left. Otherwise, it will just clutter the garage with stuff you hope to sell some day. Also, when you want to have a garage sale - decide if it is to make money or to get rid of "stuff." If it is truly to just get rid of clutter - price it to go at garage sale prices!! People are looking for a bargain. You will not get back what you paid for it, so just let it go and let someone else get a great deal on something they want or need. I am always looking for a great deal!
Now go and declutter something... even if you only take 10 minutes to clean a hot spot!! We need to make room for those Christmas gifts that are going to fill our homes soon!! Happy decluttering!
Are you a pack rat like me? Or are you one of those people that can easily get rid of things? I have a sister that is constantly purging the items in her house. I envy her... well, a little bit. At least I am an organized pack rat!
Example of a hot spot in our school room - the art corner. |
Have I used it or worn it in the last year?
Is it broken and fixable? How long has it been broken with the intent to fix it? Am I really going to fix it? Or is it unusable and needs to go in the trash?
Would someone else be able to use it if I am not currently using it?
Sentimental stuff...
Is it something that I can use or am I just storing it in a box? Do I have room to store it?
Does any one else care about this item? Or is it just something my kids will have to sort through when I am gone?
These are some great questions that can help you as you organize and declutter your home.
I have gotten so much better about what I save and what I get rid of. Especially since I have started my year long house decluttering system. I go through one room or area of my house a month and take time each week to go through the items in that room. I give myself a time limit, whether that is an afternoon or just 10 minutes, I dedicate that time to getting rid of items in that room. More on how I keep my entire house organized and save time doing it in a future blog.
One thing to remember is that getting rid of things and decluttering is a process. It didn't all just show up one day, it has accumulated over time. So diligently take time to go through and get rid of it. Like an onion, peel back a layer at a time. Its easier and less painful that way!
I also try to help my kids to keep their clutter to a minimum. I want them to learn good habits now so that they will carry those habits into adulthood - well, at least I hope they do!
My kids have to do a daily 10 minute "hot spot" as part of their daily chores on their chore chart. A hot spot is a term used by The Fly Lady that means a spot that fills with clutter - a place where things tend to collect and need to be sorted and put away. (If you want ideas on how to clean and organize your home her blog has amazing ideas and ways to clean - one step at a time. You can check out her blog here: ) Going back to my kids, they have to do a daily hot spot. Sometimes they get to choose the hot spot and sometimes I get to choose. But the fact is, if they are going through and decluttering daily, it will help them to keep those areas of their rooms clean. Some of the hot spots in my kids rooms are: desk, top of dresser, knick knack shelf, bucket of toys, dresser drawer, one of their "hiding spots", under the bed, corner of the closet. I will have a future post on our chore chart and how it has simplified my kids day as well as my own.
Decluttering and reorganizing the craft supplies - a hot spot in our school room! |
One last note; I mentioned at the beginning of this post that I do two major clean outs a year. The one at the beginning of summer is so I can have a garage sale. I have one strict rule for my kids and myself when it comes to items in the garage sale - once we have committed to getting rid of it, it can not go back in the house. I do not allow myself to shop at my own garage sale as I have witnessed so many of my friends doing in the past. I committed to get rid of it, therefore I donate whatever is left. Otherwise, it will just clutter the garage with stuff you hope to sell some day. Also, when you want to have a garage sale - decide if it is to make money or to get rid of "stuff." If it is truly to just get rid of clutter - price it to go at garage sale prices!! People are looking for a bargain. You will not get back what you paid for it, so just let it go and let someone else get a great deal on something they want or need. I am always looking for a great deal!
Now go and declutter something... even if you only take 10 minutes to clean a hot spot!! We need to make room for those Christmas gifts that are going to fill our homes soon!! Happy decluttering!
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Spend Less Time Scrubbing
Being a busy mom (I know just the word "Mom" implies the busy!) I am always looking for time savers and I have found a great one when it comes to cleaning. I make many of my cleaners, but this idea just can't be beat! I know it is using chemicals, so you may or may not like the idea... I just like the idea of simple!
I HATE cleaning the stove and the drip pans. Yes, I have a dinosaur that I inherited when we moved into our house. It is electric, with burners and drip pans that don't truly fit together. They are a pain!! However, they must be cleaned. I have tried everything under the sun, from soaking the drip pans with a dryer sheet, to scrubbing with SOS pads and they just never seem to get all the way clean. Plus the scrubbing is just something I don't have time to do!
I found this incredible cleaning method through pinterest and the blog One Good Thing by Jillee. Here is the link: I recommend following her blog and her boards on pinterest. She finds amazing cleaning tips and tricks, crafty things to do, recipes, home decor, a little of everything. I have gotten many great ideas following her and I must give credit to her and she gives credit to whomever she gets her ideas from. I think she says this cleaning tip came from the blog The V Spot.
Any way, back to cleaning....
So here I am with these nasty drip pans that I really don't feel like scrubbing... so I keep putting off cleaning the stove and they just get worse and worse, when I come across this simple solution: soak drip pans and burners in a sealed bag with a few splashes of ammonia - that's it!!
I HATE cleaning the stove and the drip pans. Yes, I have a dinosaur that I inherited when we moved into our house. It is electric, with burners and drip pans that don't truly fit together. They are a pain!! However, they must be cleaned. I have tried everything under the sun, from soaking the drip pans with a dryer sheet, to scrubbing with SOS pads and they just never seem to get all the way clean. Plus the scrubbing is just something I don't have time to do!
I found this incredible cleaning method through pinterest and the blog One Good Thing by Jillee. Here is the link: I recommend following her blog and her boards on pinterest. She finds amazing cleaning tips and tricks, crafty things to do, recipes, home decor, a little of everything. I have gotten many great ideas following her and I must give credit to her and she gives credit to whomever she gets her ideas from. I think she says this cleaning tip came from the blog The V Spot.
Any way, back to cleaning....
So here I am with these nasty drip pans that I really don't feel like scrubbing... so I keep putting off cleaning the stove and they just get worse and worse, when I come across this simple solution: soak drip pans and burners in a sealed bag with a few splashes of ammonia - that's it!!
Jillee suggests soaking for 24 hours, however I put them in bags in the morning and washed them before going to bed so it was only about 12 hours and they still came out great!!! She also suggests making and additional cleaning paste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to scrub off the last of the residue, however I found it wasn't really necessary for mine. They washed up nicely after they had their little soak!
I had a nice after picture of the drip pans out of the stove... but I must have deleted it because I can't find it!! Oh well. As you can see in the picture, my stove is shiny and clean.... only to be messed up again in a few short minutes when someone decides to cook!!
I hope this trick will help you save some time as you get ready for your holiday parties and gatherings of family and friends! Follow my board on Pinterest - Cleaning Tips and Tricks for many other ideas. You can find it here: Take some time to enjoy the holiday season... and spend less time cleaning!!!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Life is all about Choices
Bear with me while I go on this little rant and tirade for a moment.
I get so sick and tired of people telling me...
"I just don't understand why this keeps happening to me."
"I prayed about it and God doesn't want me to."
"I don't understand why things in my life stay the same."
"I can't get my kids to stop whining, they just complain all the time."
"I have no choice but to stay at this dead end job, where no one appreciates me."
"I am always so tired, I never get to bed on time."
REALLY? C'mon people! Life is all about choices!!! Most of the things that happen to us are completely under our control! Now, I know that sometimes things happen that we can not control, but how we react to them is OUR choice.
I have said for a very long time that life is all about choices - and that the choice rules the chooser. I have lived by this principle for as long as I can remember!
You have a choice when you wake up if you want to be happy or grumpy. You have a choice of what to wear. You have a choice whether or not you want to go to work, or take your children to school, or teach them at home in my case. Now, you might be saying, "Hold on a second, I don't have a choice to work, if I don't work, we can't pay bills." But, my friend, that is the perfect example of how your choices affect your life. You do have a choice to go to work and the choice you make will rule your life. If you choose to work, you will have a pay check. If you choose not to, you will not have a pay check and not be able to pay bills, buy groceries, etc. But the most important thing to remember is: THAT IS A CHOICE!!!!
We might not always like the choices we have to face, however we need to take ownership of them! You made the choice... now deal with it - so to speak!
OK, enough ranting!!
I use this simple principle of taking responsibility for our choices to teach my children just about everything. They make good choices and get rewarded - poor choices usually end in consequences. So simple - and yet so hard for even adults to understand! Much of my parenting style is based on the principles of "Parenting with Love and Logic" by Foster Cline and Jim Fay. They teach that it is important to give children choices. My 6 year old son hates to wear pants or a jacket. (He is almost always in shorts and a t shirt) Before we go out in the cold weather, I gently remind him, "Did you know it is really cold and rainy outside? Do you think you might want to grab a jacket?" He says, "No, I'll be fine." And later, when he is cold and complaining, I will remind him that it was his choice to not bring a jacket. He doesn't have much to say after that since it was his choice. Next time, it is pretty much a guarantee he will have something warmer on!!
Now, I know, I have heard it from my own friends and family - isn't it our responsibility as a parent to make sure our kids have a coat or are dressed properly? Sure, which is why I reminded my son that it was cold outside. But, I ask you this - If you are constantly telling your child what to wear, how to act, what to think, what to do... are they actually learning life long lessons? Lessons about choice - that the choices they make affect them... good or bad.
I like to let my children choose many things in their lives, many things that I simply have decided are not worth a battle. At the same time, when I have to make a decision for them, they are more respectful toward my choices. I remind them, that although they get to make many decisions throughout the day, this one is up to Mom or Dad. There is usual little fuss when this occasion arises!
I want my kids to be able to make appropriate decisions when they are older and Mom or Dad are not around. That first time a kid tries to talk them into doing something they know is wrong and will result in consequences, I want my kids to be able to think for themselves... and I pray every day that God will help them to make good choices in those situations. One of the choices we use in our house is: Is that a Godly choice or a Worldly choice? (more on this in a future blog)
I also tell my kids that I may not always agree with the choices they make, however I will always love them. I say this to them constantly, but especially after they have gotten in trouble for a poor choice. This puts my anger or disappointment that they might be feeling on their choice and my love onto them!! This was something my parents said to me as a teenager and I have never forgotten it or the way it made me feel!!
A year ago, my family went through one of the most difficult experiences of our lives. One I would never wish upon anyone. The situation was much easier to explain to my children when they realized that it was a result of poor choices. They knew that bad things happened, bad choices had been made which resulted in some serious consequences. They understood that although the person's poor choices was and is still affecting them, they also had a choice on how to react. We could sit around crying all the time (which, trust me, I did plenty of crying) or we could pick up and move on toward healing our family.
Although we are still being affected by this person's poor choices, we are surviving and trying to make a difference in the world. Isn't that the most we can ask for? I believe it is a parent's responsibility to raise kids to become responsible adults. I strive in every situation to find the lesson learned. How could we have done better? Or what made it turn out so well? When I am wrong, I tell my kids so and I apologize to them. I own up to my mistakes so that they can see we all make mistakes! We all make poor choices once in a while - but how are you going to move forward from there?
Another example that I found quite interesting was when a friend of mine was going through a divorce and we were talking about choices. She said to me, "But, you don't understand, this wasn't my choice. I love my husband and the last thing I wanted was for this to happen." My response to her? "Well, then I guess you shouldn't have cheated on him. THAT was the choice that is now affecting your life." She was a little shocked - but sometimes the truth hurts. (I tend to be a realist and just tell it like it is!)
Are you making the wrong choices? Maybe you are in a dead end job but feel like you have no where else to go. I'm not telling you to up and quit, but maybe its time to start sending out resumes or go back to school. Or now that it is the holiday season - a season of giving which usually means spending more than we have - maybe you need to take a serious look at your Christmas shopping list. Do you need to rack up credit cards to buy all the gifts you want to give? Maybe you need to really consider cutting back! Maybe your kids can make gifts - ones from the heart are much more dear in my family!! Your long and costly shopping list is a CHOICE!!! So after you have maxed out your credit cards don't whine and complain about it! You made the choice. Hmmmm... just sayin!
Take some time to start looking at your daily choices and owning up to the decisions you make whether large or small. Some choices are harder than others... I know!! But think about everything you do... it IS your choice! And how you react to other people's choices is up to you! Own up to it! Suck it up! And take the time to teach your children that what they do is a choice.
Just ask my kids and they will tell you...
Now go out and choose wisely!
I get so sick and tired of people telling me...
"I just don't understand why this keeps happening to me."
"I prayed about it and God doesn't want me to."
"I don't understand why things in my life stay the same."
"I can't get my kids to stop whining, they just complain all the time."
"I have no choice but to stay at this dead end job, where no one appreciates me."
"I am always so tired, I never get to bed on time."
REALLY? C'mon people! Life is all about choices!!! Most of the things that happen to us are completely under our control! Now, I know that sometimes things happen that we can not control, but how we react to them is OUR choice.
I have said for a very long time that life is all about choices - and that the choice rules the chooser. I have lived by this principle for as long as I can remember!
You have a choice when you wake up if you want to be happy or grumpy. You have a choice of what to wear. You have a choice whether or not you want to go to work, or take your children to school, or teach them at home in my case. Now, you might be saying, "Hold on a second, I don't have a choice to work, if I don't work, we can't pay bills." But, my friend, that is the perfect example of how your choices affect your life. You do have a choice to go to work and the choice you make will rule your life. If you choose to work, you will have a pay check. If you choose not to, you will not have a pay check and not be able to pay bills, buy groceries, etc. But the most important thing to remember is: THAT IS A CHOICE!!!!
We might not always like the choices we have to face, however we need to take ownership of them! You made the choice... now deal with it - so to speak!
OK, enough ranting!!
I use this simple principle of taking responsibility for our choices to teach my children just about everything. They make good choices and get rewarded - poor choices usually end in consequences. So simple - and yet so hard for even adults to understand! Much of my parenting style is based on the principles of "Parenting with Love and Logic" by Foster Cline and Jim Fay. They teach that it is important to give children choices. My 6 year old son hates to wear pants or a jacket. (He is almost always in shorts and a t shirt) Before we go out in the cold weather, I gently remind him, "Did you know it is really cold and rainy outside? Do you think you might want to grab a jacket?" He says, "No, I'll be fine." And later, when he is cold and complaining, I will remind him that it was his choice to not bring a jacket. He doesn't have much to say after that since it was his choice. Next time, it is pretty much a guarantee he will have something warmer on!!
Now, I know, I have heard it from my own friends and family - isn't it our responsibility as a parent to make sure our kids have a coat or are dressed properly? Sure, which is why I reminded my son that it was cold outside. But, I ask you this - If you are constantly telling your child what to wear, how to act, what to think, what to do... are they actually learning life long lessons? Lessons about choice - that the choices they make affect them... good or bad.
I like to let my children choose many things in their lives, many things that I simply have decided are not worth a battle. At the same time, when I have to make a decision for them, they are more respectful toward my choices. I remind them, that although they get to make many decisions throughout the day, this one is up to Mom or Dad. There is usual little fuss when this occasion arises!
I want my kids to be able to make appropriate decisions when they are older and Mom or Dad are not around. That first time a kid tries to talk them into doing something they know is wrong and will result in consequences, I want my kids to be able to think for themselves... and I pray every day that God will help them to make good choices in those situations. One of the choices we use in our house is: Is that a Godly choice or a Worldly choice? (more on this in a future blog)
I also tell my kids that I may not always agree with the choices they make, however I will always love them. I say this to them constantly, but especially after they have gotten in trouble for a poor choice. This puts my anger or disappointment that they might be feeling on their choice and my love onto them!! This was something my parents said to me as a teenager and I have never forgotten it or the way it made me feel!!
A year ago, my family went through one of the most difficult experiences of our lives. One I would never wish upon anyone. The situation was much easier to explain to my children when they realized that it was a result of poor choices. They knew that bad things happened, bad choices had been made which resulted in some serious consequences. They understood that although the person's poor choices was and is still affecting them, they also had a choice on how to react. We could sit around crying all the time (which, trust me, I did plenty of crying) or we could pick up and move on toward healing our family.
Although we are still being affected by this person's poor choices, we are surviving and trying to make a difference in the world. Isn't that the most we can ask for? I believe it is a parent's responsibility to raise kids to become responsible adults. I strive in every situation to find the lesson learned. How could we have done better? Or what made it turn out so well? When I am wrong, I tell my kids so and I apologize to them. I own up to my mistakes so that they can see we all make mistakes! We all make poor choices once in a while - but how are you going to move forward from there?
Another example that I found quite interesting was when a friend of mine was going through a divorce and we were talking about choices. She said to me, "But, you don't understand, this wasn't my choice. I love my husband and the last thing I wanted was for this to happen." My response to her? "Well, then I guess you shouldn't have cheated on him. THAT was the choice that is now affecting your life." She was a little shocked - but sometimes the truth hurts. (I tend to be a realist and just tell it like it is!)
Are you making the wrong choices? Maybe you are in a dead end job but feel like you have no where else to go. I'm not telling you to up and quit, but maybe its time to start sending out resumes or go back to school. Or now that it is the holiday season - a season of giving which usually means spending more than we have - maybe you need to take a serious look at your Christmas shopping list. Do you need to rack up credit cards to buy all the gifts you want to give? Maybe you need to really consider cutting back! Maybe your kids can make gifts - ones from the heart are much more dear in my family!! Your long and costly shopping list is a CHOICE!!! So after you have maxed out your credit cards don't whine and complain about it! You made the choice. Hmmmm... just sayin!
Take some time to start looking at your daily choices and owning up to the decisions you make whether large or small. Some choices are harder than others... I know!! But think about everything you do... it IS your choice! And how you react to other people's choices is up to you! Own up to it! Suck it up! And take the time to teach your children that what they do is a choice.
Just ask my kids and they will tell you...
Now go out and choose wisely!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
As I have mentioned in past blogs, my family has been going through a difficult time this past year. I was forced to close my child care which in turn caused financial strain on our household budget and we became extremely behind on our bills. Especially our mortgage and credit card bills. When you are forced with the choice of feeding your children or paying credit cards... well I chose to feed my kids!
Now, we have a mounting pile of debt, creditors calling and a possibility of losing our house. We have actually received an auction sale date for our home that is to take place in just a couple of weeks. So... after much deliberation, discussion and of course prayer, my husband and I decided to file for bankruptcy. This is not where we saw our lives headed... however we are so far under water that we can no longer see the surface. Although I am now working from home, the piles of debt have grown so high that we just can't get out from under it... it would take years and years.
Here is where the miracle happens...
We went to see a lawyer about filing bankruptcy and decided that yes it was the way to go, especially so that we could immediately stop the auctioning of our home. In order to do this we had to come up with $1800.00 up front to hire the lawyer. Now where in the world would we get that kind of money in a week?
My husband and I started brainstorming ideas of how we could come up with the money quickly... so we decided to start by having a huge garage sale. We also started listing things online to sell... including our dining room table. We also decided not to pay a couple of bills so that we could glean $1000 from his paycheck. One of those bills was our truck payment. We were very scared about postponing this bill because we really can't afford to lose the only vehicle that fits all of our children and their car seats.
I went about gathering items from our home, baby items, clothes, even furniture that we were willing to sell in order to make some money at our garage sale. Anyone having a baby could have come to our garage sale for a one stop shop - crib, car seat, high chair, nursing items, tons of baby accessories, plus so much more!! In the end we made $275 from the garage sale. A man came to pick up the toddler bed I was selling the next day which brought my total to approximately $300. This left me a little sad, I had prayed and hoped that God would have provided more. Oh ye, of little faith!!!
At church the next morning, as I was singing and worshipping with the rest of the congregation, I began crying and I was overwhelmed with the feeling of comfort and felt God's hand resting on my shoulders reminding me that it would all work out. I kept hearing over and over in my mind that God would provide... why was I so worried? I knew God was speaking to me. When it was time for tithing, I hesitantly reached for my check to place in the offering basket. I really needed the money that I was placing there, and yet, I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit reminding me again that God has a plan and was providing for us.... no need to worry.
I left church feeling comforted and at peace with our situation.... still without money, but knowing it would show up. After much indecisiveness, hesitation and sadness, I decided to sell our oak dining room table, knowing that it would bring $400-$500 to help pay the lawyer. I LOVED my dining room table. It was gorgeous, and when adding the extra leaves it would expand to 9 feet long. It was super wide at 4 feet so it had lots of room for big dinners and lots of family and friends could fit around our table. I had several people contact me and wanted to pay much less than I was asking. If I was going to sell my table I was insisting that I get the right amount. Finally, a couple emailed me and wanted to see the table and said that they were prepared to purchase and take it with them. I hesitated in my response to them as I really didn't want to sell it!
In the end, I was reminded that sometimes getting what we want comes with sacrifice. Was I really ready for a miracle in my life? Was I ready to let go of "stuff"? I decided that it was best to let go of our table and responded to the couple's email and set up an appointment for them to check it out. Then I prayed that God would have them willing to pay the $500 I was asking. That amount would give us enough money to pay the lawyer.
Lo and behold the couple fell in love with my table and purchased it, handing me $500 cash without trying to get it for less. WOW! I counted up the money from the garage sale, the table and the money we were able to squeeze out of the budget and it equalled $1804! We needed $1800! Wow, we actually had $4 extra, we had the money to pay the lawyer. We wouldn't be able to make our truck payment which is $234, but I wasn't going to complain... I knew it would work out.
My neighbor, and dear friend, came home and saw our table being loaded up by the couple and so I went to tell her what was going on. She already knew about the lawyer and money we needed and asked me how much more we needed. I told her that by selling the table we had enough to pay the lawyer. She said, "Well, me and... (several other people) have gathered some money to help you guys. We really wanted to do more, but all I could gather was $230."
I couldn't believe it! That was the EXACT amount we needed to be able to pay our truck payment. EXACT! With the $4 extra from our sales and the $230 from my neighbor, we had enough! If that is not a miracle, a divine intervention, a hand from God, I really don't know any other way to describe it!! Miracles DO happen every day. We must believe that God will provide. Just when you think about giving up, that is when the miracle happens. After the year my family and I have been through, I have realized beyond a shadow of a doubt that every trial that we go through prepares us for something greater. The trials hurt, as they stretch us and grow us. The question remains... Are you willing to wait for the miracle? Or do you give up before God has a chance to perform one in your life?
(I know its hard to read but the plaque says, "We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty." -Maya Angelou)
If my friend has told me she was giving us one thousand dollars it would not have meant as much as that $230! That dollar amount was God's way of reminding me, "Hey, Erica... I've got this! It is all part of the plan. Stop worrying and spend more time focusing on me so that I can continue healing your family!"
"Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." Matthew 6:25-34
God has a plan... we need only to believe in Him and He shall provide.
I hope that our story will help someone to believe just a little bit more and that our story might give another family a little more hope. I believe with all my heart that God has asked us to go through these trials so that we can help someone else. We (my family) know that God is using us to further His good works through us and everything we have gone through is part of His plan. Don't get me wrong, the trials HURT but the FAITH that has resulted is just a small glimpse of the reward on the other side! Oh the sweetness of resting in His GRACE!!
Now, we have a mounting pile of debt, creditors calling and a possibility of losing our house. We have actually received an auction sale date for our home that is to take place in just a couple of weeks. So... after much deliberation, discussion and of course prayer, my husband and I decided to file for bankruptcy. This is not where we saw our lives headed... however we are so far under water that we can no longer see the surface. Although I am now working from home, the piles of debt have grown so high that we just can't get out from under it... it would take years and years.
Here is where the miracle happens...
We went to see a lawyer about filing bankruptcy and decided that yes it was the way to go, especially so that we could immediately stop the auctioning of our home. In order to do this we had to come up with $1800.00 up front to hire the lawyer. Now where in the world would we get that kind of money in a week?
My husband and I started brainstorming ideas of how we could come up with the money quickly... so we decided to start by having a huge garage sale. We also started listing things online to sell... including our dining room table. We also decided not to pay a couple of bills so that we could glean $1000 from his paycheck. One of those bills was our truck payment. We were very scared about postponing this bill because we really can't afford to lose the only vehicle that fits all of our children and their car seats.
I went about gathering items from our home, baby items, clothes, even furniture that we were willing to sell in order to make some money at our garage sale. Anyone having a baby could have come to our garage sale for a one stop shop - crib, car seat, high chair, nursing items, tons of baby accessories, plus so much more!! In the end we made $275 from the garage sale. A man came to pick up the toddler bed I was selling the next day which brought my total to approximately $300. This left me a little sad, I had prayed and hoped that God would have provided more. Oh ye, of little faith!!!
At church the next morning, as I was singing and worshipping with the rest of the congregation, I began crying and I was overwhelmed with the feeling of comfort and felt God's hand resting on my shoulders reminding me that it would all work out. I kept hearing over and over in my mind that God would provide... why was I so worried? I knew God was speaking to me. When it was time for tithing, I hesitantly reached for my check to place in the offering basket. I really needed the money that I was placing there, and yet, I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit reminding me again that God has a plan and was providing for us.... no need to worry.
I left church feeling comforted and at peace with our situation.... still without money, but knowing it would show up. After much indecisiveness, hesitation and sadness, I decided to sell our oak dining room table, knowing that it would bring $400-$500 to help pay the lawyer. I LOVED my dining room table. It was gorgeous, and when adding the extra leaves it would expand to 9 feet long. It was super wide at 4 feet so it had lots of room for big dinners and lots of family and friends could fit around our table. I had several people contact me and wanted to pay much less than I was asking. If I was going to sell my table I was insisting that I get the right amount. Finally, a couple emailed me and wanted to see the table and said that they were prepared to purchase and take it with them. I hesitated in my response to them as I really didn't want to sell it!
In the end, I was reminded that sometimes getting what we want comes with sacrifice. Was I really ready for a miracle in my life? Was I ready to let go of "stuff"? I decided that it was best to let go of our table and responded to the couple's email and set up an appointment for them to check it out. Then I prayed that God would have them willing to pay the $500 I was asking. That amount would give us enough money to pay the lawyer.
Lo and behold the couple fell in love with my table and purchased it, handing me $500 cash without trying to get it for less. WOW! I counted up the money from the garage sale, the table and the money we were able to squeeze out of the budget and it equalled $1804! We needed $1800! Wow, we actually had $4 extra, we had the money to pay the lawyer. We wouldn't be able to make our truck payment which is $234, but I wasn't going to complain... I knew it would work out.
My neighbor, and dear friend, came home and saw our table being loaded up by the couple and so I went to tell her what was going on. She already knew about the lawyer and money we needed and asked me how much more we needed. I told her that by selling the table we had enough to pay the lawyer. She said, "Well, me and... (several other people) have gathered some money to help you guys. We really wanted to do more, but all I could gather was $230."
I couldn't believe it! That was the EXACT amount we needed to be able to pay our truck payment. EXACT! With the $4 extra from our sales and the $230 from my neighbor, we had enough! If that is not a miracle, a divine intervention, a hand from God, I really don't know any other way to describe it!! Miracles DO happen every day. We must believe that God will provide. Just when you think about giving up, that is when the miracle happens. After the year my family and I have been through, I have realized beyond a shadow of a doubt that every trial that we go through prepares us for something greater. The trials hurt, as they stretch us and grow us. The question remains... Are you willing to wait for the miracle? Or do you give up before God has a chance to perform one in your life?
(I know its hard to read but the plaque says, "We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty." -Maya Angelou)
If my friend has told me she was giving us one thousand dollars it would not have meant as much as that $230! That dollar amount was God's way of reminding me, "Hey, Erica... I've got this! It is all part of the plan. Stop worrying and spend more time focusing on me so that I can continue healing your family!"
"Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." Matthew 6:25-34
God has a plan... we need only to believe in Him and He shall provide.
I hope that our story will help someone to believe just a little bit more and that our story might give another family a little more hope. I believe with all my heart that God has asked us to go through these trials so that we can help someone else. We (my family) know that God is using us to further His good works through us and everything we have gone through is part of His plan. Don't get me wrong, the trials HURT but the FAITH that has resulted is just a small glimpse of the reward on the other side! Oh the sweetness of resting in His GRACE!!
Friday, November 2, 2012
Conquering Paper Clutter in 5 Simple Steps
I used to struggle with paper clutter - mail everywhere, piles of receipts, magazines that I'm going to read someday... sound familiar? Maybe your desk/work space looks like this:
I can't stand paper clutter... and yet, before I created a simple 5 step system to keep my desk organized, I always seemed to struggle staying on top of the piles that accumulated there. Since starting to use these steps daily I have managed to eliminate the paper piles - and it only takes a few minutes each day!
Step One: Go through mail daily.
I have found that when I have accumulated a giant pile of mail, it is mostly "junk mail" that I am going to toss out anyway. As I am walking back to the house from my mail box, I am already sorting through the "junk" and separating things out that are going to be immediately tossed into the trash. I think 7 or 8 out of 10 pieces of mail go right into the "circle file bin" (trash can) or shredder. Even if I can't get to the rest of my mail right away, I only have to sort through the important things when I do. On the days where my kids or hubby get the mail, they know to place it neatly on the desk and I will go through the mail when I get home, etc. To stay on top of it, I go through it daily, even if that means I have to sort it before I go to bed. By using my five steps it only takes me a few minutes and therefore is easy to do daily.
Step Two: Only keep ads of places I regularly shop.
I am not a "drive all over town to hit all the sales" kind of person. I just simply don't have time for that. I tend to go to a few specific places and will create my menu and shopping list according to their ads. However, if I do happen to stop by a store that I don't normally visit, I can always grab an ad on my way into the store. Most places keep ads on a rack right in their entry. For the ads I do keep, I have two paper trays (3 shelves total - picture at the end of blog) on my desk and I use the middle tray for ads. As soon as I bring the mail in the house, I put the ads on this tray and then I can look through them when planning my shopping trip. When the next week's ad arrives, I simply swap the old for the new. This keeps my ads current and I never have to search through a bunch of ads - the ones I use are quickly within reach, not outdated and I know right where to look for them!
Step Three: Keep 2 files for coupons - current month and last month.
Are you a pizza, burger, Chinese food, oil change, car wash and steak dinner (plus so much more... ) coupon saver? I love to save a buck and as a result, I love to save up all these coupons just in case we visit one of the places around town. We love to treat the family to a dinner out once in a while and we like to try new places. As a result, I like to keep these kinds of coupons on hand. In the past, when we wanted to go somewhere, I found myself sifting through a huge pile of coupons, trying to find ones that hadn't expired and frustrating myself and the rest of my family for having to wait. (Crabby, grumpy, whiny children replace my usually well behaved children when they are not fed on a timely basis! hee hee) So I came up with my simple two file folder system that has a home in the drawer of my desk. One is for any coupons that I get in the mail THIS MONTH and one is for the PREVIOUS MONTH. When a new month starts, I simply toss out all of the previous month's coupons and that folder is now ready for the current ones. Now, when we want to use a coupon, I pull one of the file folders out of my drawer and quickly find the coupon I need... and 99% of the time it has not expired. (I've found that most of these types of coupons expire 60 days from when they are sent.) I also keep a separate file for take out menus so that they are also handy to find.
*Just as a side note, I have a similar system for my magazines. I have a cute little magazine holder in my family room so that I can grab a magazine to flip through if I have a few moments to myself (so rare... really... I am a mom of 3, wife, house to clean, meals to cook, 4 pets to care for and I work from home... I rarely have a moment to myself! Please feel for me!) I only keep one month's worth of magazines in my holder at a time. Even if I haven't read last month's magazine, when the new one arrives, I donate or recycle.the old one. (Be sure to cut out or cross off your name and address if you plan to donate.) I figure that if I haven't had the time to read my magazine for an entire month, then I'm not going to have time to read two the next month!! This keeps the most current one handy if I do have a chance to flip through one - instead of grabbin one about Easter activities when it is almost Christmas! (I know this from experience!)
Step Four: Have a designated place for bills.
I have a small spiral type note book with pockets on each page where I keep bills waiting to be paid in one of the pockets and in another pocket I keep anything I am waiting to clear my bank account. Although I pay most of my bills online, I still have a few paper bills that arrive by mail. I would lose them or even forget about them because I am so used to paperless billing. Now, when paying bills, or checking my account, I have everything in one organized spot so I don't have to worry if I remembered everything. The "things waiting to clear my account" pocket, I also use for any receipts that I have accumulated throughout the day. I have also trained my husband to place any receipts he may have into this pocket so that I can file accordingly - even if that just means right into the shredder! As I said before, while I bring my mail in the house, I am already sorting it. And by the time I reach my desk, I already have the bills separated and they go right into my spiral notebook without starting a pile of clutter on my desk. The pocket notebook is also great to organize other paperwork that I need to keep filed and handy.
Step Five: Have a designated space for "read later" items.
As I mentioned previously I have paper trays on my desk, and I use the the bottom tray for any mail, brochures, papers my kids bring home, bulletins, etc that I plan to read or file later. My kids and hubby are trained and know exactly where to put notes or papers they bring home. I place any items here that I can't get to "right now." I try to go through this tray every few days so that it doesn't start to pile up and I deal with each item as needed, whether that means read and toss or read and file.
On most days, the above picture is how I wake up and find my desk. This system has really helped me and I hope that my simple 5 step system can help you tackle paper clutter as well. Working from home, it is imperative that I have an organized space from which to work. I am one of those types that can't concentrate when surrounded by clutter! Since I have started this system, I feel so much more organized and ready for the day when my desk is clean and tidy. I spend less time sorting and trying to conquer the endless paper piles (that can become out of control with just one days worth of mail) and more time being productive. Its as easy as 1,2,3,4,5!
Now if I could only organize the rest of my house like this... yeah, I know, its a process!! One small space at a time!
I can't stand paper clutter... and yet, before I created a simple 5 step system to keep my desk organized, I always seemed to struggle staying on top of the piles that accumulated there. Since starting to use these steps daily I have managed to eliminate the paper piles - and it only takes a few minutes each day!
Step One: Go through mail daily.
I have found that when I have accumulated a giant pile of mail, it is mostly "junk mail" that I am going to toss out anyway. As I am walking back to the house from my mail box, I am already sorting through the "junk" and separating things out that are going to be immediately tossed into the trash. I think 7 or 8 out of 10 pieces of mail go right into the "circle file bin" (trash can) or shredder. Even if I can't get to the rest of my mail right away, I only have to sort through the important things when I do. On the days where my kids or hubby get the mail, they know to place it neatly on the desk and I will go through the mail when I get home, etc. To stay on top of it, I go through it daily, even if that means I have to sort it before I go to bed. By using my five steps it only takes me a few minutes and therefore is easy to do daily.
I am not a "drive all over town to hit all the sales" kind of person. I just simply don't have time for that. I tend to go to a few specific places and will create my menu and shopping list according to their ads. However, if I do happen to stop by a store that I don't normally visit, I can always grab an ad on my way into the store. Most places keep ads on a rack right in their entry. For the ads I do keep, I have two paper trays (3 shelves total - picture at the end of blog) on my desk and I use the middle tray for ads. As soon as I bring the mail in the house, I put the ads on this tray and then I can look through them when planning my shopping trip. When the next week's ad arrives, I simply swap the old for the new. This keeps my ads current and I never have to search through a bunch of ads - the ones I use are quickly within reach, not outdated and I know right where to look for them!
Step Three: Keep 2 files for coupons - current month and last month.
Are you a pizza, burger, Chinese food, oil change, car wash and steak dinner (plus so much more... ) coupon saver? I love to save a buck and as a result, I love to save up all these coupons just in case we visit one of the places around town. We love to treat the family to a dinner out once in a while and we like to try new places. As a result, I like to keep these kinds of coupons on hand. In the past, when we wanted to go somewhere, I found myself sifting through a huge pile of coupons, trying to find ones that hadn't expired and frustrating myself and the rest of my family for having to wait. (Crabby, grumpy, whiny children replace my usually well behaved children when they are not fed on a timely basis! hee hee) So I came up with my simple two file folder system that has a home in the drawer of my desk. One is for any coupons that I get in the mail THIS MONTH and one is for the PREVIOUS MONTH. When a new month starts, I simply toss out all of the previous month's coupons and that folder is now ready for the current ones. Now, when we want to use a coupon, I pull one of the file folders out of my drawer and quickly find the coupon I need... and 99% of the time it has not expired. (I've found that most of these types of coupons expire 60 days from when they are sent.) I also keep a separate file for take out menus so that they are also handy to find.
*Just as a side note, I have a similar system for my magazines. I have a cute little magazine holder in my family room so that I can grab a magazine to flip through if I have a few moments to myself (so rare... really... I am a mom of 3, wife, house to clean, meals to cook, 4 pets to care for and I work from home... I rarely have a moment to myself! Please feel for me!) I only keep one month's worth of magazines in my holder at a time. Even if I haven't read last month's magazine, when the new one arrives, I donate or recycle.the old one. (Be sure to cut out or cross off your name and address if you plan to donate.) I figure that if I haven't had the time to read my magazine for an entire month, then I'm not going to have time to read two the next month!! This keeps the most current one handy if I do have a chance to flip through one - instead of grabbin one about Easter activities when it is almost Christmas! (I know this from experience!)
Step Four: Have a designated place for bills.
I have a small spiral type note book with pockets on each page where I keep bills waiting to be paid in one of the pockets and in another pocket I keep anything I am waiting to clear my bank account. Although I pay most of my bills online, I still have a few paper bills that arrive by mail. I would lose them or even forget about them because I am so used to paperless billing. Now, when paying bills, or checking my account, I have everything in one organized spot so I don't have to worry if I remembered everything. The "things waiting to clear my account" pocket, I also use for any receipts that I have accumulated throughout the day. I have also trained my husband to place any receipts he may have into this pocket so that I can file accordingly - even if that just means right into the shredder! As I said before, while I bring my mail in the house, I am already sorting it. And by the time I reach my desk, I already have the bills separated and they go right into my spiral notebook without starting a pile of clutter on my desk. The pocket notebook is also great to organize other paperwork that I need to keep filed and handy.
Step Five: Have a designated space for "read later" items.
As I mentioned previously I have paper trays on my desk, and I use the the bottom tray for any mail, brochures, papers my kids bring home, bulletins, etc that I plan to read or file later. My kids and hubby are trained and know exactly where to put notes or papers they bring home. I place any items here that I can't get to "right now." I try to go through this tray every few days so that it doesn't start to pile up and I deal with each item as needed, whether that means read and toss or read and file.
On most days, the above picture is how I wake up and find my desk. This system has really helped me and I hope that my simple 5 step system can help you tackle paper clutter as well. Working from home, it is imperative that I have an organized space from which to work. I am one of those types that can't concentrate when surrounded by clutter! Since I have started this system, I feel so much more organized and ready for the day when my desk is clean and tidy. I spend less time sorting and trying to conquer the endless paper piles (that can become out of control with just one days worth of mail) and more time being productive. Its as easy as 1,2,3,4,5!
Now if I could only organize the rest of my house like this... yeah, I know, its a process!! One small space at a time!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Friendship Bread
When the weather becomes cooler and the skies are dull and gray... I start baking! I can't find anything better to warm up a cold day than turning on the oven and letting the smells of cinnamon, nutmeg and sweet goodness fill my home. My kids and hubby will come crawling out from under their cocoon of blankets just to see what kind of yumminess (is that a word?) Mama is baking.
Today I made....
Amish Friendship Bread
Yes, I am talking about that starter bread that you put on your counter, you have to mix it up daily, add ingredients to it and then find friends to give away the new starters so that they can put it on their counters, mix it daily, add ingredients... and on and on it goes. I'm exhausted just thinking about that version!
I have a simpler way! My Mom has been making this bread for many, many years - since I was a little girl (so I guess its only been for a few years... really... less than ten! Hahahaha)
Here is the recipe my Mom passed down to me:
Day 1: you are given the starter... free pass... you don't have to do anything
Here is my first make it simpler tip: I keep my starter in a plastic container instead of plastic baggies. For 2 reasons: less wasted plastic bags and then on bake day you can just add the wet ingredients right into the plastic container - less bowls to clean (really this was my Mom's idea - I must give her the credit!)
Day 2-4: stir up the starter once a day
Day 5: Add 1/4 cup of each: flour, sugar and milk
Make it simpler tip #2: The traditional recipe calls for 1 cup of each. If you cut it down to the 1/4 cup measurements you will have enough for one starter and the rest to bake your bread. Now you don't have to beg friends to take a starter off your hands... or wonder if they just threw it away. However if you do want to make the larger batch you can add the full cup and that will give you three starters and your bread mix at the end.
Day 6-9: stir up the starter once a day
Day 10: today is bake day
Make it simpler tip #3: I write the ADD date and the BAKE date in permanent marker right on the top of the container of the starter. This way I never forget what day I started it, what day to add and what day to bake... because if I don't... I have to try to figure out which day is which... and you know how that goes... I'm a mom... which equals FORGETFUL!!
Here are the instructions for bake day:
To the starter add: 1/4 cup of each flour, sugar and milk and mix well.
Next, measure out 1 cup of the starter mix and put in a container. This is your new starter and today is Day 1.... don't forget to put the date on top so you don't forget what day to add and bake!!
(If you are making the larger batch add 1 cup of each and measure out 3 - 1 cup portions of starter to give away to your friends.)
To the remaining starter add: 1 cup of oil, 1/2 cup milk, 3 eggs, 1 tsp vanilla and mix well
In a separate bowl combine the following dry ingredients and mix well:
2 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 (5.1oz) box instant vanilla pudding
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup pecans
It will be sticky and thick.

Pour into 2 well greased and sugared bread pans.
Bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour.
You will know the bread is ready when you insert a toothpick into the bread and it comes out clean. (Make sure you put the toothpick in the middle as it takes the longest to bake completely.)
Let cool for 10 minutes in the pan on a wire rack. Then take bread out of pan and let cool completely on wire rack before cutting. This last step rarely happens in my house because as soon as I take it out of the pan I have hungry goblins ready to gobble it up!!
If there is any left you can share it with a friend or neighbor... It is Friendship Bread after all!
Make it simper tip #4: Make this bread any flavor that you like or have on hand. I have added peanut butter chips or cinnamon chips instead of nuts. I have used pistachio pudding with pistachios and chocolate pudding with chocolate chips. Use pumpkin pudding for a thanksgiving treat... whatever suits your fancy! You can also make one large loaf or make smaller loaves... just adjust the bake times accordingly.
One last tip to Make it Simpler for you: If you don't want to put your new starter on the counter and start all over again, simply put the starter in a sealed container and place it in the refrigerator. When you are ready to start the cycle again, pull the starter out of the fridge and begin with Day 1... don't forget to date it!!! I haven't made a starter in so long, I can't remember where my recipe is, however I've looked online for a starter recipe before... if you have no one to give you a starter you can just make your own!!
ENJOY!! I hope you love this simpler version as much as I do!
Today I made....
Amish Friendship Bread
Yes, I am talking about that starter bread that you put on your counter, you have to mix it up daily, add ingredients to it and then find friends to give away the new starters so that they can put it on their counters, mix it daily, add ingredients... and on and on it goes. I'm exhausted just thinking about that version!
I have a simpler way! My Mom has been making this bread for many, many years - since I was a little girl (so I guess its only been for a few years... really... less than ten! Hahahaha)
Here is the recipe my Mom passed down to me:
Here is my first make it simpler tip: I keep my starter in a plastic container instead of plastic baggies. For 2 reasons: less wasted plastic bags and then on bake day you can just add the wet ingredients right into the plastic container - less bowls to clean (really this was my Mom's idea - I must give her the credit!)
Day 2-4: stir up the starter once a day
Day 5: Add 1/4 cup of each: flour, sugar and milk
Make it simpler tip #2: The traditional recipe calls for 1 cup of each. If you cut it down to the 1/4 cup measurements you will have enough for one starter and the rest to bake your bread. Now you don't have to beg friends to take a starter off your hands... or wonder if they just threw it away. However if you do want to make the larger batch you can add the full cup and that will give you three starters and your bread mix at the end.
Day 6-9: stir up the starter once a day
Day 10: today is bake day
Make it simpler tip #3: I write the ADD date and the BAKE date in permanent marker right on the top of the container of the starter. This way I never forget what day I started it, what day to add and what day to bake... because if I don't... I have to try to figure out which day is which... and you know how that goes... I'm a mom... which equals FORGETFUL!!
Here are the instructions for bake day:
To the starter add: 1/4 cup of each flour, sugar and milk and mix well.
Next, measure out 1 cup of the starter mix and put in a container. This is your new starter and today is Day 1.... don't forget to put the date on top so you don't forget what day to add and bake!!
(If you are making the larger batch add 1 cup of each and measure out 3 - 1 cup portions of starter to give away to your friends.)
To the remaining starter add: 1 cup of oil, 1/2 cup milk, 3 eggs, 1 tsp vanilla and mix well
In a separate bowl combine the following dry ingredients and mix well:
1 cup sugar
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 (5.1oz) box instant vanilla pudding
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup pecans
make a well in the middle and
pour the wet ingredients in to the dry mixture.
Mix well. I mix mine by hand, but you could use a hand mixer or large counter top mixer.
It will be sticky and thick.
Pour into 2 well greased and sugared bread pans.
Bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour.
You will know the bread is ready when you insert a toothpick into the bread and it comes out clean. (Make sure you put the toothpick in the middle as it takes the longest to bake completely.)
If there is any left you can share it with a friend or neighbor... It is Friendship Bread after all!
One last tip to Make it Simpler for you: If you don't want to put your new starter on the counter and start all over again, simply put the starter in a sealed container and place it in the refrigerator. When you are ready to start the cycle again, pull the starter out of the fridge and begin with Day 1... don't forget to date it!!! I haven't made a starter in so long, I can't remember where my recipe is, however I've looked online for a starter recipe before... if you have no one to give you a starter you can just make your own!!
ENJOY!! I hope you love this simpler version as much as I do!
Servant Leadership
An excerpt from the book I am reading on servant leadership in network marketing, quote by Derek Hall:
"They [leaders] garner a great deal of respect by, literally, turning the traditional pyramid organizational chart upside down. Instead of the base serving the few at the top the reverse occurs; the few at the top serve the many at the base."
I have worked for multiple pyramids (aka JOBS) where those at the bottom do all the hard work so that those at the top look good. That type of pyramid gets old quickly. Especially because I was always doing a large portion of the work!!! I am so grateful to be part of a national team of business people who model servant leadership daily. It is obvious that those at the top of Organo Gold love nothing more than helping new team members succeed. Amazing examples of servant leadership!!
Which type of pyramid do you prefer?
The quote is from the book "How To Become Filthy Stinking Rich Through Network Marketing (Without Alienating Friends and Family)"
"They [leaders] garner a great deal of respect by, literally, turning the traditional pyramid organizational chart upside down. Instead of the base serving the few at the top the reverse occurs; the few at the top serve the many at the base."
I have worked for multiple pyramids (aka JOBS) where those at the bottom do all the hard work so that those at the top look good. That type of pyramid gets old quickly. Especially because I was always doing a large portion of the work!!! I am so grateful to be part of a national team of business people who model servant leadership daily. It is obvious that those at the top of Organo Gold love nothing more than helping new team members succeed. Amazing examples of servant leadership!!
Which type of pyramid do you prefer?
The quote is from the book "How To Become Filthy Stinking Rich Through Network Marketing (Without Alienating Friends and Family)"
Monday, October 22, 2012
Are you a furniture mover?
Are you a furniture mover? You know, around the house? I am. I move my furniture around ALL THE TIME!!! I don't really know why... not sure if there is a reason. I just start to get that twitchy feeling. I start looking at the furniture and the rest of the "stuff" around the house and I start thinking, "Is there a better way?"
I know that I get it from my Mom... she is a furniture mover too! So is one of my sisters. I don't think anyone else suffers from this condition - YET, but they are still young and we have lots of life left! (I am the oldest of 6 siblings, so I doubt only 2 of us inherited this condition! hahahaha!!!) Every time I go to visit my parents something has been moved around in their house, rooms have changed functions, new furniture has been switched out for the old, something has been repurposed, etc...
Baby Boy's Room - in process! |
When my Mom comes to visit, my husband will ask us a very important question before he leaves for work, "What are you moving around today?" He knows if you put the two of us together we are going to figure out a way to rearrange something!! And my hubby simply wants to be prepared for when he gets home! I am extrememly lucky that he supports me in just about everything. Even if he thinks one of my ideas is a little wacky, he is willing to try it out before criticizing.
Truth is... my husband is not a visionary! He just can't see it in his head. I can try to explain or draw it out as much as possible, however, until I actually move things around, put the color on the wall, repurpose the furniture, etc, he really has no idea what I'm talking about. Luckily... he is so laid back that he just goes with it. If he REALLY doesn't like something he speaks up, but for the most part, he knows I will just change it all again in a few months because I have a new vision!
And then there are the holidays which are quickly on the way... and that means... TIME TO DECORATE! YAY!!! Time to make room for a tree, put up lights, (inside and out) take down the every day decor and replace it with shiny, twinkling holiday goodness!!! Ohh Ohh Ohhhh... it makes my hands tingle with excitement. My heart is beating faster just thinking about it!! Seriously, is there something wrong with me?
I am one of those weird people that likes change! Not just in my house but in life as well. I simply get bored with the same old thing. I wonder if I will always be this way. Is there something else in my life that is lacking which in turns causes me to fill the void by moving furniture? I don't know. While you are pondering this mystery... I am off to rearrange!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Weathering the Seasons (and Storms) of Life
I love this time of year! The weather is getting cooler. Leaves are changing colors. Kids are back in school (well, not mine!) The streets are quieter - empty. The holiday season is on its way. Sweaters, hats and scarves are starting to appear. Living where we do in California, our summers are HOT! Many days topping 100 degrees; a dry heat that just seems to scorch all things in its path. (We are lucky to know several people with a pool or we might melt!) The cooler climate of fall is a welcome change.
As mentioned in a post last year about summer - I love all the seasons. Every one of them brings change.... and for me, each one brings a new appreciation for God's creation. I LOVE the autumn colors - reds, oranges, yellows, browns, purples. Neighbors are decorating for Fall. Kids are getting excited about Halloween and are starting to plan their Christmas lists. Nights are much cooler, so we bunker down under blankets reading a chapter book together, playing a game or watching a movie. I've started baking again, since we don't have to worry about heating the house with the oven. I can make soups and stews and other "warm your insides" comfort food that I love! I start lighting candles and we have a fire in the fire place with hot chocolate. Kids' soccer season is winding down. It's a time of change. We also go through seasons in our lives; and it is with these seasons, periods of change and of self renewal that we can truly appreciate the beauty -the simple pleasures that surround us daily.
Last year, we went through a horrific experience - one I NEVER in all my life imagined that I would have to endure. In my depths of pain I would think to myself how I never imagined this could happen to us. When I dreamed of my family it never occurred to me that one person would strip us of innocence, hope and love and replace it with hatred, unforgiveness and lots and lots of hurt. We were in the heart of a season of winter in our lives. Every time I would glimpse a tiny plant of new growth and healing it would be frozen again by a new ice storm. We continued in this cycle for about 6 months - a couple weeks of healing and then a new storm would hit us again.
Over and over again a cycle of pain, hurt, depression, hopelessness and despair would be followed by glimpses of healing and hope only to be squashed by another wave of destruction. Just when I would think it can't get any worse - it would!! Looking back now, I realize that I couldn't have handled everything all at once. Now I can see that if my world had come crashing in on me all at the same time, I might be in a loony bin or worse! Just as too much rain at one time will cause flooding with permanent damage, God knew that too many blows at one time would have caused irreversible damage to our family. Our all knowing God, knew that we needed to weather one storm at a time! And I praise Him now for holding us in his arms when we were unable to make it on our own.
With each storm, I had to pick up my family, begin healing again and in the end - we became stronger. I began to prepare for the storms that were to come. In the beginning, I quit praying altogether - I simply couldn't. I would try... but I really could not pray. I was paralyzed. Instead, I called on all my family and friends that are prayer warriors (who in turn called on the prayer warriors that they knew) and asked them to pray for our family - simply because... I could not. I know that they surrounded my family with prayer!! I thank all of you now. One of our dearest pastor friends had her entire congregation pray for us for an entire church service. (We still have our prayer cloths!) Thank you - each and every one of you - for praying when I could not!
With the strength of prayer and our friend's and family's support, we began to brace for the storms, and without realizing it, we were growing stronger with each blow. I gathered the ability to pray again. At first it was mainly yelling at God. I was so angry! This turned into prayers of utter despair and endless tears. Which turned into prayers of thankfulness for God being there even when I couldn't pray. In the end, we survived. We have deep scars, some that will continue to heal and fade, and others that will be with us for a life time... but WE SURVIVED. We still have more storms to weather, but I know now, how to better prepare for the storms. We continue to focus on God and the healing of our family.
My family is now in a a springtime of renewal. We have a new glimmer of hope, rebirth, growth. Fresh new seedlings that are being nurtured, watered, fed and ready to become strong plants. We are changing our circumstance from victim to victory. I don't know what the future holds for my family or myself. It is unclear. But one thing is certain, we are stronger and more prepared for the storms in life. I believe that my children are being prepared for greatness. Especially my six year old. There is an anointing that surrounds his very being and I know the devil doesn't like it! He is destined for a life of serving God. He already tells me that he wants to go out in the world and teach others to love Jesus. No wonder the devil is doing every thing he can to bring him down. In the midst of our trials last year, he said to me, "I am praying to Jesus that the devil will leave us alone!" Those are powerful words coming from a six year old!
No matter what trials you are facing right now, know that although it may get worse before it gets better.... it WILL get better. Don't let the devil win! Fight with God's righteousness on your side. "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:11-12

We are still weathering storms that continue to strike our family. They are turning into gentle spring rains instead of hurricanes... little storms that are helping us grow, become stronger, survive the heat of summer and be prepared for the harvest God has planned for us. We can see the rainbow through the rain.
What season of life are you in right now?
"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted... a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace." Ecclesiastes 3:1-4,8
I hope that my story can help somebody who is weathering a storm right now. I pray for your peace and strength. God knows who you are and He hears my prayers for you. You are not alone. Even if you can't pray, God is with you.
Over and over again a cycle of pain, hurt, depression, hopelessness and despair would be followed by glimpses of healing and hope only to be squashed by another wave of destruction. Just when I would think it can't get any worse - it would!! Looking back now, I realize that I couldn't have handled everything all at once. Now I can see that if my world had come crashing in on me all at the same time, I might be in a loony bin or worse! Just as too much rain at one time will cause flooding with permanent damage, God knew that too many blows at one time would have caused irreversible damage to our family. Our all knowing God, knew that we needed to weather one storm at a time! And I praise Him now for holding us in his arms when we were unable to make it on our own.
With each storm, I had to pick up my family, begin healing again and in the end - we became stronger. I began to prepare for the storms that were to come. In the beginning, I quit praying altogether - I simply couldn't. I would try... but I really could not pray. I was paralyzed. Instead, I called on all my family and friends that are prayer warriors (who in turn called on the prayer warriors that they knew) and asked them to pray for our family - simply because... I could not. I know that they surrounded my family with prayer!! I thank all of you now. One of our dearest pastor friends had her entire congregation pray for us for an entire church service. (We still have our prayer cloths!) Thank you - each and every one of you - for praying when I could not!
With the strength of prayer and our friend's and family's support, we began to brace for the storms, and without realizing it, we were growing stronger with each blow. I gathered the ability to pray again. At first it was mainly yelling at God. I was so angry! This turned into prayers of utter despair and endless tears. Which turned into prayers of thankfulness for God being there even when I couldn't pray. In the end, we survived. We have deep scars, some that will continue to heal and fade, and others that will be with us for a life time... but WE SURVIVED. We still have more storms to weather, but I know now, how to better prepare for the storms. We continue to focus on God and the healing of our family.
My family is now in a a springtime of renewal. We have a new glimmer of hope, rebirth, growth. Fresh new seedlings that are being nurtured, watered, fed and ready to become strong plants. We are changing our circumstance from victim to victory. I don't know what the future holds for my family or myself. It is unclear. But one thing is certain, we are stronger and more prepared for the storms in life. I believe that my children are being prepared for greatness. Especially my six year old. There is an anointing that surrounds his very being and I know the devil doesn't like it! He is destined for a life of serving God. He already tells me that he wants to go out in the world and teach others to love Jesus. No wonder the devil is doing every thing he can to bring him down. In the midst of our trials last year, he said to me, "I am praying to Jesus that the devil will leave us alone!" Those are powerful words coming from a six year old!
No matter what trials you are facing right now, know that although it may get worse before it gets better.... it WILL get better. Don't let the devil win! Fight with God's righteousness on your side. "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:11-12
We are still weathering storms that continue to strike our family. They are turning into gentle spring rains instead of hurricanes... little storms that are helping us grow, become stronger, survive the heat of summer and be prepared for the harvest God has planned for us. We can see the rainbow through the rain.
What season of life are you in right now?
"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted... a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace." Ecclesiastes 3:1-4,8
I hope that my story can help somebody who is weathering a storm right now. I pray for your peace and strength. God knows who you are and He hears my prayers for you. You are not alone. Even if you can't pray, God is with you.
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