I know, I know... all those great tips I promised I'd blog and here it's been almost a week... and no blog! Please be patient, this has been a CRAZY week for us. I don't think one single day went according to our routine/schedule - we just had so much going on!!!
I just wanted to drop a little note and tell you about a couple of the blessings that filled our days and that I have some great blogs in the works.
One of the activities on the top of my priority list was a mother/son date on Tuesday. My six year old son worked super hard to earn this date and he chose to go to Red Lobster for lunch. He ordered Snow Crab Legs and Clam Chowder. What can I say? He loves seafood!!
My hubby and daughter had a date on Wednesday and she chose to go bowling and then go to the music store to look at guitars. She is saving up to buy a new one. She also worked super hard this week to earn her date with Daddy.
We also had the priviledge of watching our friend's one year old for the day today. He was the sweetest little fellow and super good. Of course my eight year old daughter thinks all babies are just live dolls to carry and dress and love. It was a fun day.
So.... please be patient.... as you can see I have had much more important things going on this week. More important than sitting at the computer. However, I have several blog posts that are in process. One of them is about how my kid's earn their special dates with Mom and Dad. I am working on a 3 part series explaining how we use our responsibility (chore) chart, one on tax time organization and one on helping kid's to whine and complain less! I know that one appeals to just about everybody!!! I also have a couple homeschooling blogs in the works - how we set up our history time line, how I break up the day, and another about how to encourage your kiddos to keep going! I just haven't had a chance to fine tune, add pictures or post them yet.
Good things come to those who wait! I hope your week is filled to the brim with blessings as well. Thank you for your patience!!! There is so much more to come!!
Tales from the real lives of One Mom and her family. Sometimes silly, scary, sad, fun stories and ideas for the sole purpose of helping other Moms and Dads on their own family's journey through life. We have opened our home to your hearts in the hopes that you will be reminded that you are never alone! So grab a cup of coffee or tea and join us for a good laugh, a needed cry or a reminder that this is life and we are in it together!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Its All About Nutrition
My FREE Raley's Something Extra Try It Kit has arrived. Can't wait to use it and try my FREE products. I'll let you know how it all turns out.
This kit is all about healthy eating and using Raley's NuVal program. Many items in the store are labeled with a NuVal Score. This score is determined by the amount of nutritional value in that particular item. The scores range from 1-100 with 1 being the lowest nutritional value and 100 being the highest. You can go to Raleys.com for more information regarding this scoring system and how the nutritional values are determined or how you can join the try it kit program too.
I jumped at the chance to join this Try It Kit program since it fits right in with my family's life change for this year - being healthy and making healthier choices. (See my post titled "New Year Resolutions (or in our case Life Changes)" in December 2012.
On my most recent shopping trip I was watching my scores and my highest NuVal Score was frozen blueberries (for our smoothies) with a score of 100. My lowest score was 2 for butter. What can I say, we like our butter, especially on popcorn.
Now its time to go and pick up my FREE items - Raley's flavored lettuce, infused broth and quick grains. I will let you know my thoughts after we try them.
(Raley's is a supermarket chain here in northern California. If you don't live here in northern Cali, ask at your local store and see if they have a similar program.)
This kit is all about healthy eating and using Raley's NuVal program. Many items in the store are labeled with a NuVal Score. This score is determined by the amount of nutritional value in that particular item. The scores range from 1-100 with 1 being the lowest nutritional value and 100 being the highest. You can go to Raleys.com for more information regarding this scoring system and how the nutritional values are determined or how you can join the try it kit program too.
I jumped at the chance to join this Try It Kit program since it fits right in with my family's life change for this year - being healthy and making healthier choices. (See my post titled "New Year Resolutions (or in our case Life Changes)" in December 2012.
On my most recent shopping trip I was watching my scores and my highest NuVal Score was frozen blueberries (for our smoothies) with a score of 100. My lowest score was 2 for butter. What can I say, we like our butter, especially on popcorn.
Now its time to go and pick up my FREE items - Raley's flavored lettuce, infused broth and quick grains. I will let you know my thoughts after we try them.
(Raley's is a supermarket chain here in northern California. If you don't live here in northern Cali, ask at your local store and see if they have a similar program.)
Friday, January 25, 2013
Thrifty Tip #1
Thrifty Tip #1:
Invest in a nice set of micro fiber towels.
I found a great set of micro fiber towels online. They came in a set of 24 in multiple sizes. I use them for just about everything. They are especially wonderful to soak up liquid spills - and with kids and pets that is an everyday occurrence in my house it seems!
I started using micro fiber towels in place of paper towels and have found that I save quite a bit of money. One roll of paper towels lasts so much longer. Plus I like that it is a step towards a more "green" life style. What I love about the micro fiber towels is that they can just be thrown right into the wash and reused. Plus, they are great for scrubbing stubborn spots that won't come clean with anything else.
I still use paper towel for dirty jobs - bathroom and pet messes, etc. Things that are just gross that I wouldn't want to put in my washer and would rather throw straight into the trash.
Hope my thrifty tip can help you save money... watch for more to come this year.
Saving money on the little things can add up which produces big savings over all.
Invest in a nice set of micro fiber towels.
I found a great set of micro fiber towels online. They came in a set of 24 in multiple sizes. I use them for just about everything. They are especially wonderful to soak up liquid spills - and with kids and pets that is an everyday occurrence in my house it seems!
I started using micro fiber towels in place of paper towels and have found that I save quite a bit of money. One roll of paper towels lasts so much longer. Plus I like that it is a step towards a more "green" life style. What I love about the micro fiber towels is that they can just be thrown right into the wash and reused. Plus, they are great for scrubbing stubborn spots that won't come clean with anything else.
I still use paper towel for dirty jobs - bathroom and pet messes, etc. Things that are just gross that I wouldn't want to put in my washer and would rather throw straight into the trash.
Hope my thrifty tip can help you save money... watch for more to come this year.
Saving money on the little things can add up which produces big savings over all.
A few of my micro fiber towels - I keep them in the kitchen and laundry room for easy access. |
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Stop and Listen Once in a While
Recently, my husband shared with me the following story that was posted on facebook:
“A man sat at a metro station in Washington DC and started to play the violin; it was a cold January morning. He played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. During that time, since it was rush hour, it was calculated that 1,100 people went through the station, most of them on their way to work.
Three minutes went by, and a middle aged man noticed there was musician playing. He slowed his pace, and stopped for a few seconds, and then hurried up to meet his schedule.
A minute later, the violinist received his first dollar tip: a woman threw the money in the till and without stopping, and continued to walk.
A few minutes later, someone leaned against the wall to listen to him, but the man looked at his watch and started to walk again. Clearly he was late for work.
The one who paid the most attention was a 3 year old boy. His mother tagged him along, hurried, but the kid stopped to look at the violinist. Finally, the mother pushed hard, and the child continued to walk, turning his head all the time. This action was repeated by several other children. All the parents, without exception, forced them to move on.
In the 45 minutes the musician played, only 6 people stopped and stayed for a while. About 20 gave him money, but continued to walk their normal pace. He collected $32. When he finished playing and silence took over, no one noticed it. No one applauded, nor was there any recognition.
No one knew this, but the violinist was Joshua Bell, one of the most talented musicians in the world. He had just played one of the most intricate pieces ever written, on a violin worth $3.5 million dollars.
Two days before his playing in the subway, Joshua Bell sold out at a theater in Boston where the seats averaged $100.
This is a real story. Joshua Bell playing incognito in the metro station was organized by the Washington Post as part of a social experiment about perception, taste, and priorities of people.
The outlines were: in a commonplace environment at an inappropriate hour: Do we perceive beauty? Do we stop to appreciate it? Do we recognize the talent in an unexpected context?
One of the possible conclusions from this experience could be: If we do not have a moment to stop and listen to one of the best musicians in the world playing the best music ever written, how many other things are we missing?”
That story really hit home. I have set aside many of the things I love to do, whether with my children, my husband or for myself and replaced them with the busy-ness of life. I don't want to be so busy that I don't have time to enjoy beautiful music or stop to smell the roses or most of all, be in the moment with my children.
My mother in law loves to tell my husband and me that when we are older, we will look back on our lives and realize that THIS is the best time of our life. The time when our children are young; watching them grow and experience many of life's firsts. I would have to say that I agree - this is the best time of life. I love watching my children grow up, learn, discover and explore. I really wouldn't have it any other way!!!
And for those of you that say, "Sure, you are a stay at home... you have time to enjoy your kids. I work all day and then barely have time to make dinner, give baths and get the kids into bed, let alone spend 'quality' time with them." Let me tell you, I understand COMPLETELY!!! I used to be a full time working Mom. As a matter of fact, I, more often than not, was at work 60+ hours a week. So I get it. Believe me, I get it. That is when I started to look for time saving tips. What I find so silly is that we live in a world full of time saving gadgets that are meant to hurry us along and yet, we are still in such a hurry that we can't stop and smell the roses once in a while.
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Enjoying a moment at one of our favorite hiking spots. We watched this family grow last year - amazing memories. |
Do I want my children to remember a Mom that never had time for them? Or a Mom that took time to share the simple pleasures of life WITH them. I learned several years ago, that the dusting, mopping and cleaning will keep, but my children will not. They will only be small for RIGHT NOW. If I need a rest after a long day, we take one together. If it is a beautiful, sunny day, we stop at the park and play. I put more importance on the "quality" of the time I spend with my kids verses the "quantity." A 20-30 minute trip to the park where we play, go down the slide, sit on the swings and giggle is more important than 2 hours of them playing and me watching saying, "hmmmm? OK.... just a sec...." as I check my phone the entire time.
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My children and I love to stop and observe the wildlife. |
So take a challenge with me:
Every day for the next week, take time to be in the moment with the ones you love. Listen to music. Take a walk. Color in a coloring book. Read a few extra stories or chapters at bedtime. Enjoy life together. And if you hear someone playing music, stop and listen for a little while... you just might be listening to one of the greats!
Monday, January 21, 2013
Love One Another
Today I have read many, many quotes said by Martin Luther King Jr. on facebook and other media. We continue to learn from him,even though he is no longer here with us on earth. His quotes still ring true today. There are so many forms of discrimination and slavery that bind us even now. My heart is saddened by the hatred, meanness and discrimination in this world.
My favorite quote is this:
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.
Growing up I went to a school with a rainbow of students. I only saw classmates for classmates. I had all types of friends, from nerds to jocks and every race, nationality, color in between. I just didn't see all of that. I met an interesting person and if we got along, we were friends.
Later in life, my rainbow of friends has remained a constant and my view of people the same. I always laugh when someone asks me to describe what someone looks like... I never seem to get it right. I am asked what nationality they are and I will shrug and say, "Uh..... let me see...." I think I don't get it right because that is not how I see people. I look in their eyes and capture the essence of their being, not their skin, hair color or age.
In the Bible, Jesus commands us to love one another. He didn't say to love only the people that look like you. He didn't say to love only people that believe the same things as you. He didn't say to love only people who have as much or less sin as you. He didn't say any of that!!! He said to LOVE ONE ANOTHER!!! I try to live by this commandment and to teach it to my children.

"We must remember that intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character--that is the goal of true education." — Martin Luther King, Jr.
I try to teach my children to love all people. The first time we learned about MLK in our homeschool, I had a hard time explaining to my kids why he was so important. Why? Because like me, my children just love people - they don't see colors, just people. Finally, I decided to use one of their friends in the neighborhood as an example. I said, "You know Henry and his little sister that you like to play with? Well, it used to be that kids couldn't play together if they weren't the same color. So kids like..." And I continued to divide the kids in the neighborhood as to who would have been able to play together - according to color.
Their response was pure astonishment. "Why? We're all kids. And Henry's nice. We like Henry." That made my heart happy. Then we went on to discuss the importance of MLK and how he helped our country to overcome discrimination. Although I am not sure they really "get it" yet, I am just glad they see people for people. They know that God said to love all people. I hope that as they grow, they will continue to live by these principles. I try to make an emphasis on how we are all created EXACTLY the way God wants us. We are all special. We are all different. We are all God's children. We are commanded to Love One Another.
My favorite quote is this:
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.
Growing up I went to a school with a rainbow of students. I only saw classmates for classmates. I had all types of friends, from nerds to jocks and every race, nationality, color in between. I just didn't see all of that. I met an interesting person and if we got along, we were friends.
Later in life, my rainbow of friends has remained a constant and my view of people the same. I always laugh when someone asks me to describe what someone looks like... I never seem to get it right. I am asked what nationality they are and I will shrug and say, "Uh..... let me see...." I think I don't get it right because that is not how I see people. I look in their eyes and capture the essence of their being, not their skin, hair color or age.
In the Bible, Jesus commands us to love one another. He didn't say to love only the people that look like you. He didn't say to love only people that believe the same things as you. He didn't say to love only people who have as much or less sin as you. He didn't say any of that!!! He said to LOVE ONE ANOTHER!!! I try to live by this commandment and to teach it to my children.

"We must remember that intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character--that is the goal of true education." — Martin Luther King, Jr.
I try to teach my children to love all people. The first time we learned about MLK in our homeschool, I had a hard time explaining to my kids why he was so important. Why? Because like me, my children just love people - they don't see colors, just people. Finally, I decided to use one of their friends in the neighborhood as an example. I said, "You know Henry and his little sister that you like to play with? Well, it used to be that kids couldn't play together if they weren't the same color. So kids like..." And I continued to divide the kids in the neighborhood as to who would have been able to play together - according to color.
Their response was pure astonishment. "Why? We're all kids. And Henry's nice. We like Henry." That made my heart happy. Then we went on to discuss the importance of MLK and how he helped our country to overcome discrimination. Although I am not sure they really "get it" yet, I am just glad they see people for people. They know that God said to love all people. I hope that as they grow, they will continue to live by these principles. I try to make an emphasis on how we are all created EXACTLY the way God wants us. We are all special. We are all different. We are all God's children. We are commanded to Love One Another.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
My Dilemma
So... it's been a while since I posted and I have been going through a bit of a dilemma. I have been trying to decide if I should continue blogging or not. I have so many things on my plate that I have been really going through my day to day activities and trying to decide which ones are important and which ones to eliminate.
I recently read a quote by Joyce Meyer that said something like this: If you have to hurry to do everything then you are doing too much. That is so true! Am I always in a hurry? I don't intend to be!
Back to my dilemma. To Blog or Not To Blog?
Just recently I had 2 friends say thank you for the hope that my post titled "Miracles" provided for them. Another person asked if I would share some of my organization, thrifty living and some of my child rearing philosophies. So.... After much deliberation, I have decided to continue blogging.
Plus, I like blogging! Writing has always been a form of therapy for me. And if I can share the hope that gets me through the day to day trials of my life, then I think my mission has been accomplished.
Here are some things you can look forward to seeing from me this year:
I recently read a quote by Joyce Meyer that said something like this: If you have to hurry to do everything then you are doing too much. That is so true! Am I always in a hurry? I don't intend to be!
Back to my dilemma. To Blog or Not To Blog?
Just recently I had 2 friends say thank you for the hope that my post titled "Miracles" provided for them. Another person asked if I would share some of my organization, thrifty living and some of my child rearing philosophies. So.... After much deliberation, I have decided to continue blogging.
Plus, I like blogging! Writing has always been a form of therapy for me. And if I can share the hope that gets me through the day to day trials of my life, then I think my mission has been accomplished.
Here are some things you can look forward to seeing from me this year:
- tips on thrifty living
- tips on organization
- cleaning tips and tricks that save time
- how we homeschool
- how we use our chore chart, give allowance and dish out discipline
- crafty tips and projects I am working on
- new time saving healthy recipes - well... most of the time
- my love for Christ and how I try to live by His commandments (To Love God and To Love One Another)
- hope, love, happiness and toss in a little bit of craziness
...directly from my family to yours!
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